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Thursday, May 31, 2012

FDA Denies High Fructose Corn Syrup Name Change

The Associated Press reported today that the (FDA) Food & Drug Administration rejected a bid by the Corn Refiners Association to rename controversial sweetening agent high fructose corn syrup to corn sugar. This bid was an obvious attempt to divert negative publicity from high fructose corn syrup and trick consumers into thinking that the artificial sweetener is “just the same” as sugar.

I would like to give high praise to the Food & Drug Administration for actually doing the right thing in this case and protecting American consumers by not allowing the Corn Refiners Association to pull the veil over our American eyes.

The Corn Refiners Association recently began a marketing campaign to persuade consumers that high fructose corn syrup is basically no different from natural sugar which prompted a lawsuit from the Sugar Association on the basis that the advertisements were misleading.

I remember the first time I saw this commercial, I thought to myself, what a crock of bull:

[NOTE: I could not find this high fructose corn syrup commercial without the commentary, but this is actually better. It contains the entire commercial, plus the actual truth about high fructose corn syrup – the real truth.]

I already avoid high fructose corn syrup, and advise the same to all, but this makes me question the product even more. If the Corn Refiners Association is willing to take this kind of a side step to avoid dealing with the real issues, what else do they already know about high fructose corn syrup that they do not want the American public to eventually find out?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Michelle Obama Opens Conversation on Gardening Programs with American Grown

Michelle Obama was on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight promoting a new book she wrote called American Grown. I have not read her book yet – I do plan to – but the message that she is promoting is something that I agree with and feel strongly about. Americans need to eat healthy, natural, whole foods. We poison our bodies with too much fast food, too many preservatives, and too much processed foods that over time, wear our bodies down, increase body fat, and make us susceptible to a plethora of health diseases including diabetes and various types of cancer.

On the show, Michelle Obama mentioned that children, when involved with the gardening process and contributing to their food preparation, become engaged and enthusiastic about the foods and the benefits they will receive from them. It also makes them more inclined to make healthier decisions regarding food when they are out on their own.

I also feel like this concept of gardening is something that should be encouraged within our school systems. These same values would be taught to children who might not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in such an activity. In addition to learning a gardening skill and learning the importance of good nutrition, the gardens can actually be used to prepare healthy, natural foods in the school lunch programs, which could even extend into economics and business conversations.

(The concept of gardening within school systems was first shared with me by Debra K. Norwood of Estero, Florida, who recently worked with a school in Miami to start a gardening program. She also shared other great ideas for enhancing the educational experience through gardening and farming with me like making sure every classroom has four or five plants in them to replenish the oxygen supply, helping to keep children more focused and productive.)

Teaching children to garden in schools and providing for the lunches that they will eat each day is the beginning of a lifelong system of values that could enhance the lives of each student and our communities at large. This system of values could organically help us reduce the demand for processed foods and the urge to overeat fast and junk foods, leading to a decline in health care costs related to illnesses spawned by obesity and unhealthy diets. It could even encourage more local farming and more people who seek natural, organic foods from local suppliers.

Simply put: teaching gardening skills and engaging children in their nutrition programs could help stimulate local economies and help reduce health care costs while creating healthier Americans.

This is definitely an idea that should be discussed within our school systems and we really need to start opening that dialog with Board of Education members, teachers, and local organizations that could help contribute with time, equipment, donations, etc.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

North Carolina Threatens First Amendment by Trying to Silence a Blogger

Was Dear Abby columnist Abigail Van Buren breaking the law by sharing her advice with readers all over the country? The state of North Carolina seems to think so...

In December 2011, diabetic blogger Steve Cooksey created a Dear Abby style advice column where he offers his readers advice on diabetic eating and lifestyles. The state of North Carolina took issue with this and the State Board contacted Cooksey stating that he could not offer advice, freely or with compensation, as it was engaging in an unlicensed, criminal practice of dietetics. They also pointed out that private phone calls and exchanges of emails were illegal, as well as his paid life-coaching service.

I believe that this is absolutely asinine and a weak and pathetic attempt by the State of North Carolina to collect any penny they can find, in this case through licensing fees. You cannot take away the rights of free speech to Americans in this country. If I want to start an advice column on raising children (something I have never done and have no knowledge of) if is my constitutional right to do so. Any new parents have the option of reading what I have to say, considering that I have no education or experience in the matter, and take it for what it’s worth or laugh and keep moving. Either way, I would not be breaking any laws by simply speaking, or exercising my right to free speech.

At minimum, he should be required to have disclaimers stating that he is not a licensed dietician and that his comments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

The Institute of Justice is working with the blogger to fight for his first amendment right.

North Carolina, leave this man alone!

Talking to Children “Like Children” Is Not Good

On Fox News this morning there was a brief segment about a six year old girl who won a spelling bee and qualified for finals. She is the youngest person to qualify, no surprise from a girl who began reading at the age of two. Her mother describes her as a teenager in a six year old body.

I have always had the theory that we raise children to be just as bright or just as dumb as they seem to be, based on how we interact with them, and as it turns out – it’s true! Now obviously, there are going to be unique circumstances and no two children are alike, but think about this:

When a mom walks up to a group of friends with a small, adorable, googly eyed little baby, all of the adults immediately drop down to the level of the small child. Even the most masculine of tuff, macho, manly men will coo, say cutesy little things, and talk in a silly sounding, high pitched voice.

Although it is acceptable and normal with infants, I do feel that it is sort of silly. A small baby is easily amused, and of course they need this kind of activity, and feelings of love and closeness from family, but I feel it should be very limited. I also feel like the way we “talk down” to children lasts far too long after infancy.

Studies suggest that talking to children “like chilredn” can actually be harmful to their ability to express themselves later on in life. According to Peter Ernest Haiman, Ph.D.:
When parents talk to their infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, they should use complex sentences. Complex sentences have adverbs, adjectives, and modifying phrases and clauses. Rather than “bring me your shirt,” say “bring me your red shirt.” Rather than saying, “Mommy is coming,” say “Mommy will come as soon as she dries her hands.”

The optimum development of language is fostered if parents use complete and complex sentence structures when interacting with their children during their first five or six years of life. Numerous studies that focused on the language development of children have consistently demonstrated that how parents talk to their youngsters shapes the children’s language and ability to communicate. Language, in turn, shapes thought processes and mental problem solving.
I cannot say how the family of the little girl who won the spelling bee raised her, but I imagine that her creativity and desire to learn was sparked by positive, meaningful interaction from them.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day to everyone out there! Almost each and every one of us can think of a close friend or family member that is either currently fighting, has fought, or has even died battling in the name of America.

Happy Memorial Day
It is no secret that I do not agree with the wars and the fighting. I do not think that we are fighting any current wars in the name of self-defense, exactly, but people are out there on behalf of America, killing, fighting, and sometimes even protecting this country (or at least its best interests, as directed by our government and key big ballers). People I know are fighting right now, and I hope they make it back home before they are also killed, fighting and killing people. I have also lost people that were dear to me, fighting and killing people in the government’s war.

I feel really bad for the people of the armed services, sometimes. I feel like at some point on the ground or maybe even after retirement that the brainwashing starts to reverse and they begin to realize that they are fighting for big business and government, and not the people. It has to be heart wrenching to know that you have killed another human being and realize that you do not even believe in a cause that killed them.

But you can’t deny the beauty and the honor of the sacrifice of perfect strangers willing to defend our country and freedom at the expense of their very lives.

May God rest the souls of all the innocent victims on all sides of the war and the souls of the troops that gave the ultimate sacrifice on all sides of the war. May the people of this planet one day realize that we must coexist and stop destroying the peace, taking from our neighbors, and killing our neighbors.

Happy Memorial Day to all!

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