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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Gay Veteran Speaks with Mitt Romney on Marriage Equality

This is an excellent video to watch regarding Mitt Romney's stance on GLBTQ Rights. And you want to watch the whole thing so you can realize when Mitt Romney realizes what exactly is happening...

On the one hand, Mitt Romney does answer the man's question adequately, even more thoroughly than provoked. I don't feel his demeanor or interaction with this man was negative, he just simply stated to the man that he thinks he lesser of a human being than Mitt Romney because straight people are simply entitled to certain rights that homosexuals are not entitled to.

I agree with the man 100%, obviously, not that Romney was rude or anything, it's just how he thinks and who he is. Like must republicans, hatred and unconcern of those who are different comes naturally to him.

Footage of Paul Ryan Washing Clean Dishes for Soup Kitchen Photo Op

America Needs A More Effective System of Government

We need a more effective government that we the people run. As I continue to watch the 2012 Presidential Elections unfold, I am starting to really question the necessity of offices of power, like city mayors and even the President of the United States. I feel like our government should be our government, which we the people manage. I feel it is possible, thanks to today’s technology, to run this country without a President. We already have the CIA and military branches that govern security, and there is already a structure of command in place within it. We just need to streamline the way we vote and come up with a more effective way of making decisions in this country.

Throughout history, because of impossibilities in the accounting of mass votings and other constraints due to lack of technology, we have relied on a system that is supposed to be representative of the views of the majority of Americans. However, politics and power have turned our country into a for-profit, not for people, environment. People come into power for one set of reasons and try to sustain it for others. It is really time to take a new look at this country and reinvent ourselves to be smart, successful, efficient Americans that are accepting of all and together manage a profitable, prosperous country.

To do this, I think all Americans eligible and registered to vote should be required to vote once a quarter to maintain voting rights and voting should be done through an account accessible via internet so everyone can vote either at home, a friend’s house, the public library, wherever on their own time. Each voting American should be presented with all issues that they have not voted on since their last vote. All results need to be made available publicly and in real time. All voting history needs to be accessible to ensure that votes have not been changed, altered, or modified in any way. Although it would be a requirement to vote once a quarter, there should be no limited access to the account or the issues that are being voted on.

This may seem like a monumental restructure and even impossible, but could Americans voting for what they want be any less complicated than the system we have now, where Americans try to vote for what they want their voice may or may not be heard...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Preacher Speaks About LGBQT Rights

Watch this video till the very end!

Anderson Cooper Crumbling the Foundation of the Romney-Ryan Tax Plan

Anderson Cooper pretty much invalidates any validity of the Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan proposed tax plan...

Meryl Streep Draws the Line

Rosa Perez on Mitt Romney's Latino Comment

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Reince Priebus Will Not Admit Fault

Reince Priebus refuses to admit that he is wrong. Soledad O'Brien does an excellent job of illustrating exactly how and why he is wrong, he just refuses to believe it.

It's like when you are a Republican that supports Romney, the truth simply does not matter...

What If Mitt Romney Wins Election?

It really is hard for me to imagine what it would be like if Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan actually pulled it off and won the election. You know that Fox News and all the hardcore republican media outlets are already working on their "Romeny Wins!" graphics...

When I watched the second presidential debates, there was a number of times that Mitt Romney actually appealed to me, briefly. It's because he sounds so good and what he says sounds so good - and really could work - you just have to remember to factor in the fact that he is a bad professional liar. Reread that last phrase, he's a professional liar, but he's no good at it!

I feel like Obama has this, not because of anything good he's done, but because Mitt Romney continues to paint himself as an awkward, unempathetic titan who is incapable of actually demonstrating concern for the well being of the middle or poor class.

The only reason I continue to be nervous about this election is because the few idiots that have Mitt Romney's back happen to have most of all the money in the world, which really could be an issue for ol' Barack, you, and me...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Paul Ryan's Fake Charity Photo Op

It is really disgusting to me that Paul Ryan and the Mitt Romney team think that the American people are so ignorant to their schemes. Then again, it's disgusting to me that most of my family thinks that Romney is a hero (he's not)...

Paul Ryan had a picture taken of him doing dishes at a soup kitchen. The soup kitchen did not think the publicity stunt was cute at all. It almost disgusting to want a photo of the activity to be released, but if you are going to get a photo out of, take a couple of hours to forget about yourself for a minute and help a stranger, that's the point.

Every move the Romney team makes is another lie...

Beer Politics InfoGraphic

100 Things Republicans And Democrats Say

You Know A Politician Lies When...

...they open their mouth!

Way to lie Mitt Romney, you're my favorite liar!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2nd Presidential Debates Obama Vs. Romney

Mitt Romney starts off the election in his usual manner by not answering the first question at all, but surprise, surprise! Barack Obama appears to have showed up this time...

Yes, finally, Obama has entered the 2012 Presidential Debates!

Both sides had some good points. How did you think tonight's 2012 Presidential Debates went?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Woman Calls Obama Communist; Can't Define

Lady rudely interrupts an interview with Chris Matthews by shouting that Obama is a communist and then is unable to support her claim or even define the word communist.

I see people act and say things like this all the time and it makes me so sad...

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